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Connecting the Next
Generation in Jerusalem

Last week, a fifth grade Israeli schoolteacher told the daughter of Jonathan and Simcha, one of our congregational leader couples in Jerusalem, that some families have two fathers, and some have two mothers. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Today’s young generation isn’t just exposed to sex, drugs, and rock and roll… they are hit with homosexuality, transgenderism, and aggressively anti-God spirit through teachers, media, and even political leaders – even in Israel, even in Jerusalem. Satan wants this generation, but God wants them too!

Most Israeli educators are not religious and are in fact often quite anti-religious. Many are atheists. While God’s hand is on the Jewish nation because of His grace, it would be a mistake to think that Israelis are any holier than citizens of other nations. We all are in need of God!

God is so passionate about young people that in the End Times He will seal 144,000 pure young believers of that final generation as special witnesses for Him, “Then I looked, and behold, the Lamb was standing on Mount Zion, and with Him were 44,000 who had His name and His Father’s name written on their foreheads.” (Revelation 14:1)

With darkness rising and drawing near to the End Times, how much longer do we have? Maybe 50 more generations, but maybe only 50 years…maybe even less. This next generation is key and that’s why Satan wants them so badly. Yet God wants them more and has plans to raise them up to fulfill their destiny.

God has blessed Ahavat Yeshua Congregation in Jerusalem with a treasure of about 50 children. If I have learned anything over my 20 years of living in Israel, it is that parents and congregations must take a very proactive role in discipling their children. Who knows, maybe these children will be part of that 144,000! We are investing into them as if they will be the generation of Jerusalemites who will cry out “Blessed is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord” and actually see Him come (Matthew 23:39)!

The investment includes subsidized, healthy afterschool activities, discipleship materials, musical worship training, and more. In addition, the Jerusalem congregation is starting a brand-new initiative God has put on their heart – using the paradigm of Messianic Scouts to help instill the values of the Kingdom and exemplify them in Israeli society. Parents want their kids to be trained in loving the Land of Israel but also the God of Israel. They are excited to show kids how to start a fire but also how to live on fire!

We invite you to prayerfully consider helping Ahavat Yeshua Congregation meet this need, launch this program and support what could be the generation that sees revival come to Jerusalem.

  • A monthly gift of $50 provides one child healthy afterschool activities for a month!

  • A gift of $200 provides curriculum for one classroom for a year!

  • A gift of $500 provides all expenses for the Messianic Scouting activities for a month!


The time has come for the Messianic community to be known and to make Yeshua known again in Jerusalem! Thank you so much for praying for the next generation in Jerusalem! Keep Praying!

With great appreciation,

Until all Israel is saved,

Ron Cantor

CEO, Tikkun Global

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