Israelis love the internet. We use it more than most countries; and when it comes to something as taboo as Yeshua, we have learned that the most effective way to reach people is online.
Tiferet Yeshua (where I was the previous pastor!) is a Hebrew-speaking congregation in Tel Aviv. They need our help with their media outreach. When Tiferet Yeshua broadcasted their first livestream service in February 2020, they had no idea how critical their capability to livestream would become. One month later the Covid lockdown hit Israel, and suddenly more Israelis than ever were spending enormous amounts of time online, looking for answers and open to the Gospel. By the summer of 2020, Tiferet Yeshua was experiencing a surge of seekers and new believers reaching out to them online through social media platforms.
Israelis Seeking the Truth Online
Amazingly, Tiferet Yeshua actually grew during the Covid lockdowns because seekers and believers looking for a congregation to connect with, found them online! The livestreaming of their services has turned out to be an amazing tool for sharing the Gospel. Israelis from all over the country, including the Orthodox, who cannot allow themselves to come to services in person, are viewing Tiferet Yeshua's services online. Since the restrictions on gathering in houses of worship in Israel were lifted entirely in February this year, more and more people have been coming to Tiferet Yeshua every week; and many Israelis continue to connect online each week to view their main service. The last time I was there, about three weeks ago, it was packed.
I was absolutely stunned. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that many people in the building and so many of them I didn’t even recognize because they were new.
Also, believers who have been disconnected from congregations for years or believers who never connected to a local congregation began joining Tiferet Yeshua's online services and now have started attending in person!
When Tiferet Yeshua first installed their livestream equipment, the capability in Israel for livestream sound and video was extremely limited, and, as a result, the quality of their first broadcasts left much to be desired. They finally found one of the only sound technicians in Israel who has considerable expertise in livestream. He is helping them update their sound technology.
The overall cost of the media upgrades for Tiferet Yeshua's livestream and sound needs is $20,000. We would like to invite you to be a part of supporting the Gospel going forth to Israelis in Hebrew through livestreaming from Tiferet Yeshua. Would you consider a gift of $50 or $100 for this important project which will help this local congregation continue shining the light of Yeshua?
Our goal is to reach Israelis with the message of Yeshua… Let’s do it together!
Ron Cantor
Director, #IAmWithIsrael