Undergirding Families & Children
in the Northwestern Galilee
After-School Outreach at Congregation in Port City of Akko
We are all endeavoring to raise our children to follow in the ways of Yeshua. We desperately want each child to understand the Gospel and embrace it. We know that the enemy is lurking, seeking to draw them away. Pastor Guy Cohen, of Harvest of Asher Congregation in northern Israel, is doing something about it.
“One of our main challenges in the body of believers in Israel as parents bringing our children up in the faith is that educational options for our children innately oppose Yeshua – both secular schools and Orthodox Jewish schools.”

In response to this need, a decade ago Guy and his wife began an after-school project at their congregational facility in Akko, which has since served over 100 children, helping undergird believing parents and their children.
The “magnet” program gathers together both Jewish and Arab children/teens from the region, for fellowship and enrichment. It is a welcome initiative to strengthen the younger generation in the faith, while at the same time teaching them to worship with musical instruments. Classes in art, robotics and table tennis are also part of the afternoon activities.
Unfortunately, three years ago, Harvest of Asher had to temporarily close the flourishing program due to a bureaucratic issue with the municipality and then COVID struck, making gatherings impossible. But now, Guy and his team are excited to re-launch the project.

In their preparations, they draw inspiration from the Biblical blessings over the tribe of Asher, whose territory was the northwestern Galilee where Harvest of Asher is located – “Asher is most blessed of sons” (Deuteronomy 33:24). Concerning Revelation 7:6, Guy adds, “We want to help prepare 12,000 representing the Tribe of Asher who can take their place in the 144,000.”
Would you please consider supporting this endeavor to retain and empower the next generation of Israeli believers, both Jewish and Arab, in the northwestern Galilee? The annual budget is $70,000. They are asking for assistance for this outreach, to subsidize the costs of supplies, transportation and teacher’s salaries. Your gift could snatch a young Israeli teen from the claws of the enemy. Your partnership will change lives here on the ground in the restored Zion.
Ron Cantor
Director, #IAmWithIsrael